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Top Causes of Injuries Among Warehouse Workers


Warehouses are crucial in the supply chain. They facilitate the storage and distribution of goods. However, warehouse environments, which can be busy and fast-paced, pose significant risks to workers. Unfortunately, accidents in warehouses are quite common. These accidents can result in serious injuries and even death. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has found that the fatal injury rate for the warehousing industry surpasses the national average across all industries. It is vital to understand the common causes of injuries in warehouses. This can ensure a safer work environment. In this article, we share some of the common causes of injuries among warehouse workers.

  1. Manual Handling and Overexertion

Warehouse employees frequently lift, push, carry, or pull heavy loads. If not done correctly, these activities can lead to musculoskeletal injuries. Repeatedly lifting, pushing, carrying, or pulling can also cause repetitive strain injuries over time. To prevent such injuries, workers should embrace correct techniques and use equipment like forklifts. Also, implementing ergonomic solutions and allowing workers to take regular breaks can minimize the risk of repetitive strain injuries.

  1. Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Another leading cause of injuries among warehouse workers are slip, trip, and fall accidents. These incidents often occur due to uneven floors, loose material, inadequate lighting, spilled liquids, and obstructed walkways. Slip, trip, and fall accidents in warehouses can be avoided by, among other things, ensuring proper lighting, maintaining a clean and organized workspace, prompt cleanup of spills, and using clear signage to indicate hazards.

  1. Forklift Accidents

Forklifts in warehouses help with moving heavy items. However, they pose significant risks. Forklift accidents in warehouses can occur due to various reasons, including operator error, environmental conditions such as poor lighting or crowded aisles, and insufficient training. When a forklift accident occurs, it can result in severe injuries. Fortunately, these accidents can be prevented. For example, ensuring forklift operators get enough training and maintaining clear pathways can help prevent forklift accidents.

  1. Exposure To Hazardous Materials

If a warehouse stores or handles hazardous materials, workers risk getting exposed to these materials. Exposure to hazardous materials can pose serious health risks, including respiratory problems, burns, or skin irritation. Following strict storing guidelines, proper labeling, and using personal protective equipment (PPE) are a few ways to prevent exposure to hazardous materials.

  1. Machinery and Equipment Accidents

The machinery and equipment that warehouse workers use can cause injuries if not properly used or maintained. Workers can get caught in between or crushed by machinery or equipment, resulting in severe injuries, including amputations. Machinery and equipment-related accidents can be prevented by, among other things, installing safety guards, regular inspection and maintenance, and proper training.

  1. Fires

Common causes of fires in warehouses include faulty electrical wiring, improper storage of flammable materials, overheating machinery and equipment, and mechanical failures. Regular inspections and maintenance and ensuring flammable materials are stored properly can help prevent warehouse fires.

If a warehouse accident causes injuries, the injured worker may be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim and recover benefits, including medical, wage replacement, and vocational rehabilitation benefits. A qualified attorney can help with a workers’ compensation claim.

Contact a Vermont Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Our Vermont workers’ compensation attorney at Sluka Law PLC offers dedicated support to workers who suffer work-related injuries in warehouses and other workplaces. Contact us today to schedule a consultation if you have suffered a work-related injury.



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