Things You Should Not Say To Your Workers’ Compensation Doctor

After suffering a work injury, you should seek medical attention immediately. In Vermont, your boss can tell you which doctor to see for your first visit, but you can pick which doctor to see after the first visit. Seeking medical attention is crucial to getting your work injury treated properly. It’s also a critical part of the worker’s compensation claim process. Workers’ compensation is coverage provided by your employer that pays your medical costs if the injury is work-related and reimburses you for lost work time.
When with your workers’ compensation doctor, remember that what you say to them can affect the outcome of your workers’ compensation claim. If you say the wrong thing, it could result in your claim being denied. It is vital that you know what not to say to your workers’ compensation doctor. The following are some of the things you should avoid when talking to your workers’ compensation doctor.
Exaggerating Things
Regardless of whether it is your initial medical examination or a follow-up appointment, do not exaggerate your injuries or symptoms. For example, do not exaggerate the level of pain you are feeling just to make a point. Your workers’ compensation doctor can easily tell if you are exaggerating matters. If your doctor discovers that you are exaggerating, they might not believe anything you tell them. And if your doctor notes that you are exaggerating in your medical records, your employer’s insurance company may use that as an excuse to deny your workers’ compensation claim.
Telling Lies
You should not tell flat-out lies to your workers’ compensation doctor. For example, don’t make up symptoms. You should be honest with your doctor. If you lie to your doctor and they find out, for instance, through diagnostic procedures, you could be charged with insurance fraud. You will also most certainly be denied compensation if your doctor notes in your medical records that you lied.
Not Disclosing Prior Injuries
It is understandable if you feel concerned that the insurance company may deny you benefits if they learn you have a pre-existing injury. You might be tempted not to mention your pre-existing condition. However, it is important that you disclose any prior injuries. Not mentioning prior injuries will only jeopardize your claim.
In Vermont, a pre-existing injury does not automatically disqualify you from recovering workers’ compensation benefits. If you suffered a new injury and/or aggravation or worsening of your pre-existing injury, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.
Leaving Out Details About the Accident
When talking to your workers’ compensation doctor about your accident, you may be tempted to leave out details you think make you look bad or could result in your claim being denied. But leaving out details about your accident can ruin your credibility. Remember, under the workers’ compensation system, even if you did something that contributed to your accident, you are still entitled to benefits.
Contact a Vermont Workers’ Compensation Attorney
If you’ve suffered an injury on the job and need help recovering workers’ compensation benefits, do not wait to speak with our Vermont workers’ compensation attorney at Sluka Law PLC. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.