Signs You Hired The Wrong Workers’ Compensation Attorney

After suffering a work-related injury or illness, hiring a workers’ compensation attorney is highly advisable. When you hire a worker’s compensation attorney, you can expect to increase your chances of recovering the benefits you deserve. However, only working with the right workers’ compensation lawyer can increase your chances of recovering the compensation you deserve. If you have a bad lawyer by your side, they may cost you a lot of money.
But how do you know if you hire the right or wrong workers’ compensation attorney? Below is a look at some signs you hired the wrong workers’ compensation attorney;
Lack of Communication
Your workers’ compensation attorney should return your calls, emails, or texts within a reasonable time. If they don’t do this, it could indicate they are too busy to properly handle your claim and give it the attention it deserves. Additionally, it could suggest that they cannot communicate properly with other attorneys, insurance companies, and judges. An attorney who cannot communicate well with other attorneys, insurers, and judges is not someone you want by your side. It is also a bad sign if your attorney does not guide you through your workers’ compensation claim by clearly explaining each step of the process.
Unclear Billing
Most workers’ compensation attorneys work on a “contingency fee” basis. In contrast to a fixed hourly rate, with this arrangement, an attorney gets a percentage of the money the client receives when they win or settle the case. Your workers’ compensation attorney must be clear on the percentage they will get from the final amount you receive and how and when they will get it. If you don’t understand how billing works, it is a sign that you hired the wrong attorney, who might cost you a lot of money. Even if you are paying your attorney by the hour, you must understand how billing works.
No Settlement Negotiations
Most workers’ compensation cases are settled through out-of-court settlement negotiations. Your attorney should be able to share their negotiation strategy and updates on how negotiations are going. Your workers’ compensation attorney should work hard to negotiate a fair settlement. They should not force you to accept a settlement from the insurance company too soon or before you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI), which is that point where your condition is unlikely to change substantially, with or without medical treatment. If your attorney cannot share their settlement strategy and updates on how negotiations are going or if they are pressuring you to settle too soon, it might be time to get a new attorney.
Your Attorney Is Reluctant To Go to Court
Many advantages come with settling a workers’ compensation claim, but if the need arises, your attorney should take your case to court and fight for the compensation you deserve in front of a judge or jury. If your attorney seems hesitant to take your case to court, it could mean they are afraid of going to court, or they have too many cases to handle and want to get yours over with as fast as possible.
Contact a Vermont Workers’ Compensation Attorney
At Sluka Law PLC, we are committed to ensuring you achieve the best possible outcome in your workers’ compensation case. Allow us to fight for you. Contact our Vermont workers’ compensation lawyers to schedule your free consultation.