Jobs That Cause the Most Back Injuries

Back injuries are among the most prevalent on-the-job injuries. More than a million workers are estimated to suffer back injuries yearly. However, while all workers are at risk of suffering back injuries while on the job, not all workers face the same level of risk. Some workers face a greater risk of back injuries than others. Forceful movements, heavy physical work, and awkward postures are just a few of the things that can increase a worker’s risk of suffering a back injury. In this article, we discuss some of the workers who are particularly prone to suffering back injuries while on the job.
- Construction Workers
It may not come as a surprise that construction workers are among the workers at a great risk of suffering back injuries while on the job. Construction workers spend their days lifting, climbing, and performing many other physically demanding tasks, which puts them at a great risk of suffering back injuries. The contact use of power tools can also lead to back injuries.
- Warehouse Workers
Warehouse workers engage in strenuous physical activity daily, including loading and unloading heavy objects, operating forklifts, and performing repetitive motions such as picking, packing, sorting, and stocking. These activities put warehouse workers at a significant risk of suffering back injuries.
- Healthcare Professionals
Another category of workers who are at great risk of suffering back injuries while on the job are healthcare professionals. Nurses and other healthcare workers are frequently required to lift and move patients. This can strain the back. Also, healthcare workers are on their feet for much of their workday. This can contribute to back problems.
- Truck Drivers
It may come as a surprise to some that truck drivers are among the professionals at significant risk of suffering back injuries, but working as a truck driver can wear down your shoulder, spine, and back over time. Long hours of sitting behind the wheel and the vibrations from driving can contribute to back injuries.
- Factory Workers
People who work in the manufacturing industry are at great risk of suffering back injuries. Factory jobs often involve heavy lifting, repetitive tasks, and prolonged standing, all of which can significantly increase the risk of back injuries.
- Retail and Wholesale Workers
Moving products, stocking shelves, and operating heavy equipment puts retail and wholesale workers at a great risk of suffering back injuries. Such workers can suffer strains, sprains, and other back injuries.
- Office Workers
Despite the perception that office work is less physically demanding, office workers are also susceptible to back injuries. Sitting in the same position for long periods increases an individual’s risk of a back injury. Poorly designed workstations, such as desks and chairs, also put office workers at risk of suffering back injuries.
Have You Suffered a Back Injury While on the Job?
If you have suffered a back injury while on the job, you are entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim and recover benefits, including medical and wage replacement benefits. Do not wait to seek legal help. A qualified workers’ compensation attorney can help you navigate the workers’ compensation claims process.
Legal Help Is Available
If you have suffered a back injury while on the job, contact our skilled Vermont workers’ compensation attorney at Sluka Law PLC for help navigating the workers’ compensation claims process.