How Can A Workers’ Compensation Attorney Help You?

If you are an employee who has suffered a work-related injury or illness in Vermont, you may be qualified to file a workers’ compensation claim and recover benefits. You can file your Vermont workers’ compensation claim without legal help or hire an attorney. However, hiring a Vermont workers’ compensation attorney is highly advisable. Hiring a qualified workers’ compensation lawyer can help you in many ways. Here are some of the ways a skilled Vermont workers’ compensation attorney can help you;
Gathering Evidence
To receive workers’ compensation benefits, you must prove that your injury or illness is work-related. A skilled workers’ compensation lawyer can help you gather the evidence you need to prove your case, including medical records, expert testimony, witness testimonies, and evidence showing your employer’s history of poor workplace safety or lack of training.
Helping You Seek the Right Benefits
The insurance company may not inform you of all the benefits you are entitled to. Fortunately, your workers’ compensation attorney can determine which benefits you qualify for and tell you about them. For example, you may be eligible for medical benefits and disability benefits if you miss time from work.
Negotiating With the Insurance Company
Insurance companies often make claimants offers that are less than their claims are worth. Having a qualified workers’ compensation attorney who can estimate the value of your case, knows how to negotiate with insurance companies, and understands the negotiating tricks used by insurance companies, can help ensure you don’t miss out on the compensation you deserve.
Ensuring Your Agreement Is Worded Correctly
The wording of your workers’ compensation agreement could negatively influence other payments you may be receiving, such as Social Security disability benefits. If you are receiving Social Security disability benefits at the time you are awarded a lump sum workers’ compensation payment, your Social Security disability benefits may be reduced because of that lump sum payment. This reduction, also called an “offset,” may happen if your monthly amounts of Social Security disability benefits and workers’ compensation are greater than 80 percent of your pre-disability “average current earnings.” Luckily, a skilled workers’ compensation attorney will know how to avoid the traps the insurance company lawyer sets to lower your payment. An experienced attorney can, for example, arrange for your lump sum workers’ compensation payment to be viewed as a monthly payment spread out over the course of your life. This can help eliminate or reduce the offset effect.
Advising You on Third-party Claims
In addition to a workers’ compensation claim, you may be eligible to file a personal injury claim against a third party whose negligence (the failure to act in a manner that someone with ordinary prudence would have under similar circumstances) led to your injury or illness. A workers’ compensation attorney can advise you on whether you are eligible to file a personal injury claim. A personal injury claim might be worth a lot since damages can include economic damages such as pain and suffering.
Contact a Vermont Workers’ Compensation Attorney
If you’ve suffered a work-related injury or illness and need help with your workers’ compensation claim, contact our skilled and dedicated Vermont workers’ compensation attorney at Sluka Law PLC today.