Does Workers’ Compensation Pay for Transportation Expenses in Vermont?

If you recently suffered injuries while on the job in Vermont, you can file a workers’ compensation claim and recover financial compensation. While you know that you are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, there are several things you may not understand about the workers’ compensation system. One of the things you may not understand is whether the Vermont workers’ compensation system pays for transportation expenses. When traveling to and from medical appointments, you may accumulate transport expenses that add further strain to your finances. But does workers’ compensation cover travel expenses for medical care? In this article, we answer this question and share other crucial information.
Transportation Reimbursement Under Vermont Workers’ Compensation Law
The Vermont workers’ compensation system is designed to provide assistance to workers who suffer on-the-job injuries regardless of fault. The workers’ compensation system offers several benefits to injured employees, including medical benefits, wage replacement, permanent disability benefits, and vocational rehabilitation benefits. But does workers’ compensation pay for transportation expenses in Vermont? Typically, workers’ compensation in Vermont covers travel expenses if the travel is necessary for medical treatment related to the work injury. Workers’ compensation covers reasonable transportation costs an injured worker incurs while traveling for medical appointments or treatments directly linked to their work injury. In Vermont, travel-related expenses that are compensable under the workers’ compensation laws include mileage, public transportation fees, and parking fees.
It is crucial to note that reimbursement for mileage under workers’ compensation might vary. How much you recover as compensation for mileage might depend on current mileage rates set by the IRS or a rate set by state regulations or the workers’ compensation board.
How To Get Reimbursed for Reasonable Travel Expenses Related to a Work Injury
To recover compensation for reasonable travel expenses related to a work injury, you need to maintain a thorough record of your expenses. For example, keep a mile log, noting the miles you drive during each trip. In your workers’ compensation claim, ensure you include all the necessary documentation and details about your travel expenses. Include your mileage reimbursement form and receipts for other reasonable expenses, such as parking fees and train tickets. Each time you incur travel expenses, ensure you submit your reimbursement request to the insurance company.
What if Your Employer Provides Transport?
Some employers offer injured employees transportation services for their medical appointments. If your employer provides transportation, workers’ compensation will not cover any other transport expenses if the transportation provided is seen as adequate.
Having an employer organize transportation can be beneficial in several ways. The following are some of the benefits of using employer-provided transport after a work injury;
- Convenience
- Saving out-of-pocket expenses
- Timely access to treatment
- Safe and controlled mode of transportation
After suffering a work injury, consider inquiring if your employer can provide transportation.
While workers’ compensation pays for transportation expenses, recovering this compensation can be challenging. You should retain an attorney to increase your chances of recovering compensation for travel expenses.
Contact Us for Legal Help
If you’ve suffered a work-related injury and need help with your workers’ compensation claim, contact our skilled Vermont workers’ compensation attorneys at Sluka Law PLC. We can help you recover transport expenses and all other benefits you are entitled to.