Can I Seek Workers’ Compensation In Vermont If I Am Injured While Working From Home?

After the COVID-19 pandemic struck, remote work drastically increased. According to a 2021 American Community Survey (ASC), between 2019 and 2021, the number of people working from home tripled from 9 million to 27 million. As working from home continues to grow more popular, remote workers may be wondering what their options are if they suffer injuries while working from home. If you are a remote worker in Vermont, you may be wondering, “Can I seek workers’ compensation in Vermont if I am injured while working from home?” So, can you? Yes, you can seek workers’ compensation in Vermont if you suffer an injury while working from home. However, the truth is that recovering workers’ compensation benefits might be more difficult for work-from-home employees. Fortunately, a workers’ compensation lawyer can help you with your work-from-home workers’ compensation claim.
Workers’ Compensation Protects the Employee and Not the Working Space
In Vermont, employees are covered by workers’ compensation whenever they are on the job, regardless of where the location may be. For people working from home, the rule does not change. As a work-from-home employee, you are still on the job, so any injury you suffer while on duty should be covered by workers’ compensation.
The problem is that proving you suffered your injury while on duty or while on the job can be challenging if you work from home. You can expect that if you file a work-from-home workers’ compensation claim, your employer or the insurance company will have grounds to dispute that you did not suffer your injuries while on duty or while on the job.
When Is an Injury Considered a Compensable Work Injury?
Basically, if you were actively performing your work or work-related tasks when you suffered your injury, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. For instance, if you slip and fall while carrying a delivery of work materials into your home, you should recover workers’ compensation benefits. If, for example, you develop carpal tunnel syndrome over time, which is a condition caused by pressure on the median nerve because of all the typing you do while working, you should be able to recover workers’ compensation benefits. Also, if you slip and fall while walking to pick up a work call, you should be able to recover benefits.
On the other hand, if you suffered an injury while making breakfast for your family, that injury is not compensable since you were not doing any work or work-related tasks at the time you sustained the injury.
That said, it is vital to note that there are always gray areas. For instance, suppose you meet with clients in your house. After a snowstorm, you go out to shovel the walkway into your home. While doing that, you trip and fall and injure yourself. You could be qualified to file a workers’ compensation claim in such a case.
Steps To Take After Suffering an Injury While Working From Home
To increase your chances of getting your workers’ compensation claim approved after suffering an injury while working from home, the following are some of the steps you should take;
- Report your injury to your employer as soon as possible
- Seek prompt medical attention
- Contact a workers’ compensation attorney
Contact a Vermont Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Work-from-home workers’ compensation claims can be complex. Our skilled and dedicated Vermont workers’ compensation attorney is happy to help you build a strong claim.